Răsturnare de situație și descalificare surprinzătoare pe final de sezon la ”Casa Iubirii”. Doi concurenți au încălcat regulamentul. Andreea Mantea a făcut anunțul într-un moment de tensiune maximă, chiar înainte de marele final al show-ului […]
Two contestants on the reality show "Casa Iubirii" were disqualified right before the finale for breaking the show's rules. This unexpected twist shocked both the viewers and the remaining contestants, sparking debate among fans about whether the disqualification was justified, especially since the finale was approaching.
Two contestants on the reality show "Casa Iubirii" were disqualified right before the finale for breaking the show's rules. This unexpected twist shocked both the viewers and the remaining contestants, sparking debate among fans about whether the disqualification was justified, especially since the finale was approaching.